Wiblocks --- PICO1TRC RTC DEMO

PICO1TRC Real-time Clock Demo

The PICO1TRC features the hardware of the PICO1TR and adds a real-time clock (RTC). The wiblocks TWI library and wiblocks RTC library are compatible with the PICO1TRC


#include <avr/interrupt.h>    
#include <avr/io.h>  

#include <LED_debug.h>
#include <TWI.h>
#include <RTC.h>

// PCI2 triggers for PCINT23..16
// PCI1 triggers for PCINT14..8
// PCI0 triggers for PCINT7..0 

#define int_enable   PCICR  |=  (1 << PCIE1)
#define int_disable  PCICR  &= ~(1 << PCIE1)

// Atmel         RTC           Aduino Pin
// ------------  ------------  ----------
// PC3  PCINT11  INTA, ALARM1  17 
// PC0  PCINT8   INTB, ALARM2  14

#define RTC_ALARM1_OUTPUT 17 // PC3
#define RTC_ALARM1_INT    PCINT11

#define RTC_ALARM2_OUTPUT 8 // PC0
#define RTC_ALARM2_INT    PCINT8

LED_debug led;
RTC       rtc;

unsigned char alarm_flag = 0;
unsigned char intdata = 0;

void setup() {


  // setup the TWI 

  TWBR = TWI_TWBR;             // Set bit rate register (Baudrate). Defined in TWI.h  
  TWDR = 0xFF;                 // Default content = SDA released.
  TWCR = (1<<TWEN)|            // Enable TWI-interface and release TWI pins.
         (0<<TWIE)|(0<<TWINT)| // Disable Interupt.
         (0<<TWEA)|(0<<TWSTA)|(0<<TWSTO)|  // No Signal requests.

  // enable pullup on alarm1 output

  digitalWrite(RTC_ALARM1_OUTPUT, HIGH);

  // uncomment the set_date and set_time commands to set initial date
  // and time.  This is only required immediately after the battery is
  // installed.

  // initialize the date
  // rtc.set_date(2010, 6, 19);

  // intialize the clock
  // rtc.set_time(12, 39, 20);

  // Initialize the control register for a 32768Hz square wave
  // and disable the square wave output

  // RTC_RS2 | RTC_RS1 ..... Rate Select, square wave output = 32768Hz
  // RTC_INTCN ............. Interrupt Control (=1 interrupts activated,
  //                         no square wave on INTB

  rtc.write_reg(RTC_REG_CONTROL, RTC_RS2 | RTC_RS1 | RTC_INTCN);

  // Setup ALARM1 to alarm when the seconds count equals 20
  // and then enable the ALARM1

  // RTC_ALARM1_MODE2 ..... Alarm when seconds match
  // dow .................. 0
  // hours ................ 0
  // minutes .............. 0
  // seconds .............. 20
  rtc.set_alarm1(RTC_ALARM1_MODE2, 0, 0, 0, 20);

  // Initialize the pin change interrupt mask for the
  //  pin that is connected to the RTC /INTA output. 

  PCMSK1 |= (1 << RTC_ALARM1_INT);

  // Enable the pin change interrupts



void loop() {
  char timestr[22];
  while(1) {

    // If there was an alarm then print the alarm
    // message, clear the alarms and re-enable the
    // interrupts.

    if (alarm_flag) {
      Serial.print("*** ALARM ***\n");
      alarm_flag = 0;
      PCMSK1 |= _BV(RTC_ALARM1_INT);

// When this routine is called the alarm flag is set and the pin
// change mask is cleared.

// The interrupt flags are read and reset in the main loop.

ISR( PCINT1_vect )
  alarm_flag = 1;
  PCMSK1 &= ~(1<<RTC_ALARM1_INT);